Author Archives: hillaryevetts

Roadtrip with Nano!


On Thursday, June 30th Natalie and I set out on our five day roadtrip from our house in Waco, Texas. We drove to Nashville, TN to see Nadine Bruner on the first day. From Nashville we drove to Dayton, Ohio to attend Hayley and David Bricker’s wedding. Then we went through Indiana and Illinois to see the 4th of July fireworks show under the St. Louis, MO gateway arch. It was beautiful. Then we headed back through Oklahoma back to Texas. We had a great time! My dad says I was born in the car.

Minneapolis, Minnesota


In June I went to Minneapolis, Minnesota to attend a Surface Design Association Conference on the University of Minnesota campus. I got to be part of the first group of SDA Scholars. Along with attending the fibers conference, I also had the privilege of spending some quality time with a friend of mine, Annie Brock who attends U of M. She showed me around the Twin cities and taught me the local lingo.